Communications Plan

1.0  Introduction

1.1  The Greater Manchester Amateur Radio Emergency Service Group (GM-ARES) is comprised of licensed U.S. radios amateurs who have voluntarily registered their capabilities and equipment.  Amateur radio operators are prohibited from accepting compensation for services provided in accordance with Federal Communication Regulation Part 97. 113

1.2  GM-ARES is a local unit of the New Hampshire Amateur Radio Emergency Service®, (NH-ARES) a program of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) the national association for Amateur Radio.  ARES® is a registered trademark of the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL).  The primary role of the GM-ARES group is to provide non-business backup communication services for natural or man-made disasters when regular communications fail or are inadequate.

1.3  This plan is a local extension of the Section Emergency Communications Plan and covers local operations, and interconnections with the Section and other nets.  The New Hampshire Section, Emergency Communications Plan is hereby incorporated by reference and covers information not included here. The Section Emergency Communications Plan may be viewed at:



2.0  Definitions


2.1  EC –Emergency Coordinator – Local person with overall responsibility for amateur radio emergency and public service communication operations within the designated area. 

2.2  AEC –Assistant Emergency Coordinator – self explanatory

2.3  ACO- ARES Communications Officer – The person at the Section level who is the ultimate decision maker for all emergency communications operations.

2.4  LACO- Local ARES Communications Officer – A person (usually the EC) who is the ultimate decision maker for all local emergency communications operations.

2.5  NCS - Net Control Station  

2.6  NVIS- Near Vertical Incident Skywave antenna

3.0  Served Agencies

3.1  Manchester Public Health

      3.2  Goffstown CERT  (See MOU Attachment   D)

                 3.3  Manchester Red Cross (In development)  

4.0  Voice Network Plan

4.1  Repeaters:  Voice operations will begin on the primary repeater listed in the Section Plan.

4.2  Repeater Failure/Simplex Operations:  In the event of primary repeater failure, all stations should automatically switch to the first listed backup repeater. If that repeater is not operational then all stations should switch to the alternate backup repeater. If all three repeaters fail, all stations should switch to the assigned local simplex frequency. Simplex operations may also be initiated at the discretion of the LACO for operations over short distances when repeater operation is not required.

4.3  Section Liaison: The NCS will assign a station with HF NVIS capability to act as liaison to the NH-ARES Section Net should the event be widespread enough to require one.

4.4   Should the event operations dictate that the NH-ARES Section Net be convened on 2m simplex, the liaison will drive to a predetermined location with adequate height in order to establish an effective communications link. The EC will notify the local Police of this operation.

4.5  The call-sign K1MHT has been assigned to GM-ARES for tactical use. An appropriate use of call-sign is as Net Control for the local area communications but never used unless engaged in official ARES communications. 


5.0  Digital Operations Plan

5.1  Following the Section protocol for formal written messages, the local packet radio network will be used when available to access one of the Winlink RMS-Packet node stations.

5.2  Alternate routes and methods may be implemented as required such as contacting local MARS operators if the local digital operations are unavailable, or the LACO may ask for outside assistance on the Section Net.

6.0  Activation & De-Activation

Each GM-ARES member should have a basic awareness of events taking place that might result in activation. Impending activations and situational updates will be distributed through established e-mail distribution lists.

The majority of emergency activations in New Hampshire will be weather related.  All Amateur Radio operators are encouraged to monitor the primary repeater frequency when fowl weather is imminent.  For emergencies that occur with little or no advanced warning  Amateur Radio Operators will gather on the primary repeater or if that repeater is unavailable, the backup repeaters and finally on the assigned simplex frequency.  Operators should periodically announce their presence on frequency (i.e.” This is X1XXX listening’) until a formal net is established. Chatter should be kept to a minimum with lengthy pauses between transmissions to allow for emergency traffic. 

GM-ARES will activate in accordance with the Emergency Activation Classifications as detailed in section 8.0 of the New Hampshire Section, Emergency Communications Plan.

Flexibility is written in to this plan and the guidelines defined here may be modified as circumstances dictate. 

6.1  Wide area events: the ACO will contact the EC or their designee as per the Section Activation Plan.

6.2  Local events: Served agency staff will contact the EC or an AEC using the contact information provided them.

6.3  The EC or AEC will decide on the level of response required based upon manpower and resources available or may activate the Call Tree if a slower response is called for.

6.4  Any member of GM-ARES may activate a NET in the absence of an appointed  Net Control Station, if he or she believes a communications emergency exists. That member will relinquish Net control duties to the Net Control Station when the appointed NCS come up on frequency.

6.5  GM-ARES members not on frequency should be contacted in accordance with the call tree assuming telephone service is available.  Efforts should be made to contact each member to apprise them of the situation and solicit their participation.

6.6  Deactivation will be planned so as to reduce deployed assets as the event winds down. The LACO will coordinate deactivation with the served agency. Net members will be notified by the local NCS that they have been deactivated.

7.0  Drills and Training

7.1  Drills, training, instruction and on-air testing shall be conducted on a regular basis to ensure individual GM-ARES members have the opportunity to enhance their operating skills.

7.2  Weekly GM-ARES on the air training NETS will be held on the repeater or the simplex frequency depending on specific training considerations. 

7.3   Periodic ARES meetings will be held for the purposes of training members on policy, communications techniques, safety, or discussion on served agency needs.

7.4  GM-ARES will participate in the annual Section Emergency Test (SET) in conjunction with the nationwide American Radio Relay League SET.

7.5  At the discretion of the EC, GM-ARES may be test activated one or more times per year.

7.6  It is recommended that GM-ARES members self study by learning more about emergency communications to improve their emergency operating skills. Members should continue training on an ongoing basis in the following areas:

7.6.1      General understanding of ARES and the Section Communication Plan

7.6.2      Message formatting and traffic handling

7.6.3      Equipment operation

7.6.4      Community Emergency Response Teams (FEMA courses)

7.6.5      First Aid

7.6.6      Incident Command System (FEMA courses)



8.0  Individual Station Responsibilities

8.1  Official Emergency Stations (OES) are key stations that have full emergency power capability and can coordinate relief operators assigned to ensure continuous operation. Those operators should make known to their EC that they possess this capability.

8.2  As situations warrant individual station with multiple radio capability, may be asked to act as liaison between other established NETS both within and outside the GM-ARES operational area.

8.3  Operators assigned to a post or location should have ready their go-kits which should include spare batteries and power supplies, headphones as well as appropriate cables and adapters as necessary.

8.4  When activated, members should expect to operate for extended periods (i.e. greater than one hour) and should be prepared to operate in shifts, if necessary. When activated, members should deploy as directed with the assumption that they must be completely self-sufficient for a period of at least 72 hours. This means all necessary equipment, tools, food, clothing, etc., should either be brought with the operator or by another member of a team.


8.5  Mobile units may be dispatched if appropriate and only when safe to do so to designated shelters, hospitals or Emergency Operation Centers (EOC).  Members will report to their assigned post or location and advise Net Control of their arrival and status.

9.0  Privacy and Operational Concerns 


9.1  Members will respect the privacy of served agencies, their staff, and clients, and will not discuss privileged or sensitive information with others not directly involved. Members will use extreme care not to transmit or divulge any information that could compromise the agency’s operations, the safety of others, or that contains personal or sensitive information. Information regarding deaths must NEVER be transmitted over a voice amateur frequency or net.


Attachment A– Frequency List

Attachment B–Organization List

Attachment C–Served Agency Contacts

Attachment D– Local Memorandums of Understanding 

Revision: GREATER MANCHESTER Comm Plan Final rev 1 12-13-09.doc

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